After having a “final days” session, a family prepared to say goodbye to their senior cat a third time, but the feline had other plans.
The mother, known on TikTok user, and family thought it was finally time to say goodbye to their beloved cat, Patrick. He started showing signs that this time was nearing an end. They accepted the heartbreaking reality for Patrick, a cat who is over 20 years old, and the mother called the vet to schedule a euthanasia appointment. But, in true Patrick fashion, he pulled a 180 on the family.
The February 22 TikTok video explained that for the third time, Patrick bounced back after convincing the family it was his time. He appeared to be in his “final days” For about 48 to 72 hours, which is why the woman called to schedule the appointment. She explained in a comment on the video that Patrick has done this about once a year for the last two or three years. He always magically gets better.
The caption reads: “I’m glad he isn’t dying but DUDE WHY DO YOU NEED TO GIVE ME GRAY HAIRS??”
When asked how Patrick bounces back, the woman told Newsweek via TikTok that he will suddenly pop up, zoom around the house and continue eating fine.
“He just ensues chaos,” she said. “But that’s okay, we love him and want him to be around for as long as possible.”
With over 404,800 views and 63,400 likes on TikTok, viewers were stunned at the cat’s youthfulness.
“Is he a vampire? He looks 8,” asked a TikTok user, while another echoed: “Dude I would’ve guessed that cat was like 5 years old max what do u mean he’s 20?!”
A third person commented: “His body condition/weight looks GREATTT for his age!”
Someone else wrote: “Software updates just take longer on older models.”
Signs Cat Nears End of Life
Although inevitable with owning a pet, watching them near the end of their life is heartbreaking and hurts. It’s hard to face the reality that a beloved family member is about to cross the rainbow bridge, but they are likely showing signs they’re ready.
An article from PetMD suggested observing your cat’s behavior and changes in routine for certain signs that your cat’s life might be nearing an end. However, always contact your veterinarian for evaluation and to discuss a potential diagnosis or end-of-life steps as the following symptoms might indicate an underlying illness.
Owners might notice behavioral changes in their cats, such as hiding, reduced alertness, decline in activity, changes in sleeping patterns, abnormal aggression, increased vocalization, poor grooming, clumsiness or lack of appetite. Cats might also become less affectionate toward their owners.
Cats might also show physical symptoms too—weight loss, lethargy, sunken eyes, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, respiratory issues or low body temperature.
Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to [email protected] with some details about your best friend, and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.
Read the full article here