A horde of teenage girls who chased a disabled, elderly man before beating him to death in a Washington DC ally attacked their victim because they were “bored” and were looking for something to do.

The vicious 2023 assault that left 64-year-old Reggie Brown dead was committed by a group of five teen girls ranging between 12 and 15.

The girls were looking for something to do in Silver Spring, Md. after spending time at a local skate park on Oct. 17, 2023.

One girl, 15, recalled to a DC courtroom Wednesday they “find someone to beat up,” according to WUSA.

“Why did you suggest that to the group?” Gabrielle Logaglio a prosecutor from the DC Office of the Attorney General asked.

“Because we were bored,” replied the girl, whose identity was not revealed because of her age.

The 15-year-old girl — the oldest of the group who pleaded guilty to the murder last week — was called to the stand to testify in the case of two of her accomplices.

Just after 11 p.m., the gaggle of misfits arrived at Georgia Avenue and Sheridan Street in the Brightwood neighborhood of DC where they spotted an unknown man attacking Brown and asked if they could jump in.

Brown had begun to flee as his attackers talked but didn’t get far as the five girls and their new male accomplice caught up to him and yanked him from a fence he was holding on to.

Video surveillance caught the chase which led Brown to an ally where the aggressors beat and kicked him as the 15-year-old girl’s 13-year-old sister recorded the attack on her phone.

They stomped his head on the concrete before pulling his pants down to his ankles and using his belt to beat him, investigators testified in court in March, according to the Washington Post.

Brown was found dead on the street just before 1 a.m. suffering from gruesome injuries consistent with assault, according to Metro Police.

“Damn, you leakin’!” one girl, can be heard shouting, according to the outlet.

The girls’ relatives left the courtroom before they were shown a horrifying video of Brown lying on the ground defenseless as the girls continued to kick and mock him for bleeding.

Brown’s death was ruled a homicide by blunt force trauma to the head which caused bleeding in his brain.

“He’s dead,” the 15-year-old recalled thinking as she walked away from the deadly attack.

Last week she was the first of the group to be sentenced, as investigators say she was the least aggressive in the attack on Brown, having only kicked him once in the torso, WUSA9 reported.

She pleaded guilty to assault with a dangerous weapon in a plea deal, a downgrade from the second-degree murder charge she faced.

The teen was sentenced to three years in secured detention.

The medical examiner’s office concluded the kicks to the head were what ultimately killed Brown.

The maximum possible sentence for convicted juveniles in DC is imprisonment until they turn 21, according to district law.

Juveniles in the nation’s capital do not have jury trials.

DC Superior Judge Kendra Briggs will decide the verdict for the teens.

“The young lady today, she was remorseful. She showed empathy and she apologized to the families,” Brown’s sister, Malda Brown, said after the 15-year-old’s sentencing. “So therefore, we think that Judge Briggs made an excellent decision on the behalf of our family today.”

Lawyers for the youngest girl, who was 12 at the time of the attack, claim she was misidentified by the other suspects.

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