From March 1 to April 12, 2025, Venus, the planet of love, attachment, assets and aesthetics, is going retrograde. The backspin begins in too-hot-to-handle, gasoline on the match Aries before moonwalking into the tepid, dosed bathwaters Pisces.

Venus goes retrograde roughly every two years for a period of several weeks, transitioning in visibility from being an evening star to a morning star.

Venus is named for the Roman goddess of love and fertility. The feminine counterpart to warlord Mars, Venus was born from sea foam and the severed d–k of Uranus, emerging tits out in a scallop shell with bliss as her governing principle.

In-kind and under good lighting, Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus and Libra and governs all the feel-good/look-good things like love and money, walking the velvet rope between gratification and gluttony.

When planets slow down, we go in, and we get deep; Venus retrograde periods encourage a reassessment of themes related to worth, relationships and finances.

As an aside, cosmetic procedures are a bit of a dice roll when the planet of aesthetics slows down; focus on inner work rather than external polishing if possible.

Venus retrograde in Aries

From March 1st to March 27th, Venus will retrograde in the bold b–ch, burn it down to build it up sign of Aries.

As Aries rules the head, the blood, and our sense of vitality, it is avowed first and foremost to live full, free and without apology.

Venus in Aries is a reckless lover who leads with action rather than caution. Regarding aesthetics, Venus in Aries is the mark of the heat-seeking individualist who will not be ignored nor controlled.

Aries rules the first house of the self, which is associated with image, our style of initiation and how others perceive us. Consider it the front door and the first impression.

Venus retrograde in Aries calls us to question how and whether or not we are actively moving toward a heart-filling, dopamine-rich, loin-rushing life. When do we let fear rob us of momentum? When do we fall short of the boldness and bravery actualization demands?

Venus in Aries is a pure action hero; it will not stand for neglecting the self in favor of cowing to a relationship, nor will it settle for a role as an NPC.

However, while this firepower can be galvanizing, it can also be combative. Venus retrograde in Aries shows us that our anger loves us and wants us to be happy.

Yet, how we relate to and channel that anger determines the outcome. Get curious about your rage, but do not be conquered by it. Remember that friction is the spark of creation and whether your turmoil is romantic or creative, it can always and ever be used as fuel for the right fight.

Venus retrograde in Pisces

From March 27th – April 12th, Venus will retrograde in Pisces, the sign of its exaltation, where it is best positioned to let its love light shine.

Venus is right at home in the unfailing romanticism of Pisces. Yet, there is a danger under these skies to self-deceive, particularly when it comes to polishing the turd/holding on to the rabid raccoon that is a subpar romantic partner.

This retrograde cycle is a summons to get real about romance and clear about connections. Venus in Pisces is a dream lover with cherub cheeks and high hopes, but this retrograde wants you to wake up to the ways you pedestal others, self-sacrifice in the name of “love” or allow a lack of boundaries to bleed you dry of your essential life force.

Love is not an exercise in martyrdom, and true beauty is not born from deception.

Get honest and honestly be a little hard on yourself if you’ve been selling yourself short by selling yourself a bill of goods about a potential partner or the viability of your work or financial situation.

In these waters, and in the year of the snake, the time is nigh to shed the dead, cut the cords, and break free from all that would seek to limit you, including your own patterning.

The season of the ex

Exes love to exhume themselves during a retrograde, and this is especially true during a Venus retrograde. Often this reappearance has more to do with challenging us to create new patterns versus falling into familiar cycles of romantic rot.

Relationships that end during this transit will reach that terminus because of a misalignment between need and availability.

It will become acutely evident who is a value add and who is an all-out drag. Make your edits accordingly and trust that whatever or whoever is revealed or released will be in the interest of your personal betterment.

This may be a time to reconsider someone you cast aside or to resolve lingering issues that have hindered your forward momentum. Because Aries is a cardinal sign, the cardinal signs, looking at your Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn placements, will feel the effects of this backstroke more than most.

Later, when the retrograde shifts to Pisces, mutable babies Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces will ride the wave. While not all among us have serious Aries and Pisces placements, we all have the firebrand and the slippery magician somewhere in our birth charts.

Read your March horoscope to determine how this retrograde will affect you.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

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